Though I'm still in Ucluelet, I feel it a good idea to pop something down about this area is general. It's been more than fantastic, and it also means I'll be totally caught up. So we drive across a couple nights back, stopping to eat our buffalo sausages and salad along the way. The drive was longer than expected, and we got caught driving at night. People who drive this often know its windy, high, seaside roads. Thankfully I was behind a psychopath in a budget rental truck, so I could just play follow the leader, and he was going fast for his size, but comfortable for our burgundy baby. Anyways, we got to Tofino safely. Slept, awoke, made the breakfast of champions in a seaside park, and hung out at the local market for a bit. Market was cool enough, but only one food stall, which was locally made bread. Good stuff.
We boogied on the double down the coast to some beaches. We went to Incinerator rock, but the parking lot was jammed, so I figured I didn't want anything to do with the beach itself, full of overweight tourists. We decided instead to head down the coast and see what's available. We found a brand new parking lot, empty as my soul, called, Comber's beach. It was amazing. literally empty for about a km, and flat sand. We played a little frisbee, ran around, stood in the water, tried to bolo each other with bull kelp, and generally got sunburnt. Sacha came and met us, then we went to Wick beach and I tried surfing for the first time. Its difficult, but even in failing, fun as hell. We then went to Sacha's sweet pad. Its pretty small and amazing and really far away from anything else and difficult to get to and that's what I like about it. The cabin is about 10x10, but it's in an area that people will probably regret not having purchased land on or around in 30 years. Sacha and her man have pretty admirable plans for their plot, it's gonna be really cool. They are also fanatical about surfing, so it's an amazing area for them. Sacha actually gets noticeably more relaxed once she's gone surfing that day. Then again, everyone else does too, because they don't have any more energy. I don't want to say my arms still hurt, but they almost might a little bit. For the record, wetsuits either make you feel like a cat burglar or a ninja, depending on your gender, creed, upbringing and mindstate.
1 comment:
awesome Oliver - so glad to have shown you a little part of the life up there...your blog is amazing --- keep it up, I am passing it around to those I know. much love and safe travels ...
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